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Drew Carey Weight Loss

Drew Carey's 80-Pound Weight Loss Journey: A Wake-Up Call

From "Lazy" to Determined

About 45 minutes of cardio at least 45 minutes of cardio Ive been kind of lazy like lately so Im not doing it 6 days a. WEB The Price Is Right host Drew Carey explains to PEOPLE how a wake-up call from his doctor led to an 80-lb Weight loss in 2010 and how he.

The Wake-Up Call

In 2010, Drew Carey's doctor gave him a life-changing wake-up call. After a routine checkup revealed high blood pressure and high blood sugar levels, Carey was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. At that moment, he realized the need for drastic changes in his lifestyle.

Armed with a new determination, Carey embarked on a fitness and diet regimen that would forever alter his life. Stay tuned for more details on Carey's inspiring journey, including his secrets for sustainable weight loss and the impact it has had on his overall health.
